Purchase Tickets


6.30pm – 9.00pm
Please arrive at 6.20pm so that we can start on time. Doors will close at 6.30pm. Please also allow a little extra time to park and walk the short distance to the temple.


Serene Earth Sanctuary, 266 Kennedy’s Lane, Myocum
Look out for the orange flag and drive in this driveway. Park in the carpark to the right and walk along to the temple. There are also a few car spaces closer to the temple if the carpark is full.


$35.00 General Admission
$30.00 Financial Hardship

Financial hardship ticket price is for anyone who is experiencing financial hardship. Please select the ticket price that reflects your circumstance.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty and can’t afford a ticket, please reach out and we will send you a discount code.

Tickets are NOT refundable
(tickets are transferable – can be used at a future event, gifted or sold to another person).


A sacred space to explore the differences and misperceptions in relations between men and women, to bridge the gap and form healthier ways of relating.

What to expect?

For our next Connection Circle we will come together to explore creating safety within, through the power of self love, inner safety and self trust.

Safety and trust are the foundations of love and deep connection, and of course it doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships but also friendships, business partnerships and the bonds within family and tribe.

The lack of trust and safety between men and women is one of the key causes of the chasms that can open up between us. We have often discovered in our conversations and processes in circle, how important safety is within relating. Both men and women often share the importance of feeling safe within a connection, and the times connections have been compromised due to a lack of safety. A connection can break down when trust and safety are outsourced, as in the expectation that others should provide trust and safety for us, whereas ultimately, safety comes from within.

In this workshop we will create a safe space in which men and women can share authentically about what they need to feel safe. We will explore through processes the key foundations of trust and safety between men and women including the role of self-responsibility, healthy boundaries and clear communication.
We will discover how we can transform our relationships through the co-creation of trust and safety, by considering – How to be responsible for my own safety? How do I express myself when someone makes me feel unsafe? When I feel unsafe, how do I return to safety?

Who is this for?

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you can gain from this sacred space. This space is specifically to bridge the gap between opposites. This can refer to men & women, it also applies to those that associate with being transgender or non-binary.

What to wear?

In our space it is important that you feel safe and accepted as you are, so dress in something you feel comfortable in. You don’t have to look a certain way to fit in in this space.

Intention of the space:

Sacred Connection Circles are a safe and sacred space to establish mutual trust, increase awareness, gain understanding, recognise patterns & heal relational wounds.

Through the exchange of open, authentic sharing & honest reflections we aim to normalise taboo topics, dispel myths and iron out assumptions & misperceptions. Bridging the gap and forming healthier ways of relating.

This is an effort to cleanse the space in between, to speak to the unspoken. The power of both being witnessed and holding space, creates new foundations for safety. We co-create this safe holding by reaching beyond blame, projection, disconnect & perpetual wounding and practising deep listening, conscious communication, presence & empathy. Meeting each other in vulnerability and sharing deeply, without the overriding fear of being misunderstood, shamed or rejected. Creating new channels of communication and connection for the greater good of all.

About your Facilitators:

Cine Holland
Cine is a heart-conscious Intuitive Empath, qualified Hypnotherapist/ Psychotherapist & Ritualist. Previously she has facilitated regular Moon Rituals and workshops in Sydney and has hosted online circles & workshops for the past three years, birthing Conscious Connection Circles in the Northern Rivers two years ago. Through both one-one-one client sessions and group circles, she is passionate about creating powerful spaces of connection & guiding people to remember their own innate ability to self-heal; by discovering the symbolic meaning of their experiences and accessing their personal wisdom through embodiment & complete ownership of their life experience.

Paul Bibby
My mission and purpose is to help men and women lead rich, meaningful, fulfilling lives from a place of inner peace and self-awareness. I’ve been fortunate to work with hundreds of people across the country as a qualified mindfulness and meditation teacher, and as a men’s work practitioner. I’m honoured to be working alongside Cine to create a safe and sacred space for men and women to explore, heal and grow together.

Purchase Tickets


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